Festival Belluard Bollwerk International

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In 2004, Berlin launches Holoceenn, a series of documentary projects starring a city on our planet. After Jerusalem and Iqaluit, here is Bonanza. Located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Bonanza was once a mining town of 6000 inhabitants boasting 36 saloons, 7 dance halls and an immense number of prostitutes for the miners. Today only 5 houses and 7 inhabitants remain. It is legally the smallest town in the United States. Bonanza's residents wish for a solitary life, but are instead met with gossip, accusations and fear. Five video screens and a huge model of the town are set up on stage. They set the scene for the documentary, little by little becoming a social thriller and an exceptional form of theater.

English avec sous-titre en français
Belluard Bollwerk
  • Tue 3.7. 20:00 - Wed 4.7. 20:00
  • Idée & régie: Berlin (Bart Baele, Yves Degryse & Caroline Rochlitz) - Photographie & montage: Bart Baele & Nico Leunen - Son: Tom De With - Musique & mixage: Peter Van Laerhoven - Graphisme: Gerjo Van Dam - Maquette: Koen De Ceuleneer - Scénographie: Tom Van de Oudeweetering - Catering & photos de plateau: Kim Troubleyn - Production: Berlin - Coproduction: Stuk (Leuven), KVS (Bruxelles) & Vooruit (Gent). 

    Avec le soutien de : Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, Stad Antwerpen & Flanders Image. Avec le soutien du Ministère de la Communauté flamande.
