Festival Belluard Bollwerk International

Artists Archive

Our archives

Jo Dunkel, Antje Ehmann, Far a day Cage, Massimo Furlan, Hany Ghanem, Pascal Hachem, Christiane Hitzemann, Rahel Hubacher, Ruedi Häusermann, Matthias Lilienthal, Philippe Quesne, Natasa Rajković, Schauplatz International & Joanna Warsza

(Basel, Berlin, Zurich, Lausanne, Beyrouth, Lenzburg, Paris, Zagreb, Erlach & Warsaw)


X Wohnungen are roughly fifteen shows and performances in collaboration with the inhabitants of certain apartments in Fribourg's Schoenberg neighborhood. Two by two, visitors go from one building to the next, following an itinerary given to them. They will experience six or seven creations, lasting about ten minutes, each thought up by a different artists or director. Not to be missed!

  • Sat 30.6. 17:30 - Sun 1.7. 23:00
  • Mon 2.7. 19:00 - Tue 3.7. 23:00

Idée: Matthias Lilienthal - Directeur de production: Sven Heier - Dramaturge: Patrick Wymann - Assistant: Oliver Schneitter - Technicien: Luzius Wieser. Coproduction BBI, réalisée grâce à un encouragement du Canton de Fribourg à la culture.

Avec le soutien de Pro Helvetia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Migros pour-cent culturel & Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung.
